domingo, 17 de enero de 2016

Nearsighted? Eye drops slow worsening vision

Why I have shosen this article
I have choosen this article because, I think that it is very interesting also because this drops could help to people to cure their myopia. On the other hand, I have choosen because I have myopia and I wanted to inform for I know if is true. In general, I hope that the people find this article fantastic.

Worldwide to increased the myopia from the people. Myopia mean that the people see the objects fuzzy in long distances . The article says that the scientists form Singapore have discovered a sustance to protect the eyesight of severely myopic children. They have done this by using an ancient drug in a new way.

The drug is a poison made by many plants in the nightshade family, such as mandrake and belladonna, and the its name is atropine. Also, the atropine can have side effects: vision and sensitivity to light, therefore it has only been used to treat the as lazy eye.

The scientists from Singapore tried small doses of atropine in children from 6 to 12 years old that they had myopia. The scientists saw that the children who took eye drops with this concentration of atropine were the least nearsighted after five years, with few side effects.Donald Tan is an ophthalmologist and he led the study.

By: Almudena Mezcua

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